Impact Investing

Impact Investing

Can investing change the world? Some millennials, Gen Xers, baby boomers and elders hope the answer is “yes.” Billionaires, like Bill Gates and Richard Branson, are pouring money into green business ventures and projects intended to improve education and the quality...
Weekly Economic Update: July 25, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: July 25, 2016

[column col=”1/4″]Weekly Quote“Never harbor grudges; they sour your stomach and do no harm to anyone else.” –Robertson DaviesWeekly TipSome parents spend thousands of dollars each year in support of their children’s athletic pursuits. Reducing such...
Impact Investing

Stocks & Presidential Elections

As an investor, you know that past performance is no guarantee of future success. Expanding that truth, history has no bearing on the future of Wall Street.That said, stock market historians have repeatedly analyzed market behavior in presidential election years, and...
Weekly Economic Update: July 25, 2016

Weekly Economic Update: July 18, 2016

[column col=”1/4″]Weekly Quote“The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them.” –Tom MorrisWeekly TipYoung adults who consider debt consolidation should weigh the pros and cons of the idea. Lower monthly payments might free up...
Impact Investing

Getting Your Financial Paperwork in Good Order

Who wants to leave this world with their financial affairs in good order? We all do, right? None of us wants to leave a collection of financial mysteries for our spouse or our children to solve.What we want and what we do can differ, however. Many heirs spend days,...
Impact Investing

Money Habits That May Help You Become Wealthier

Money Habits?Why do some households tread water financially while others make progress? Does it come down to habits?Sometimes the difference starts there. A household that prioritizes paying itself first may end up in much better financial shape in the long run than...

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