Archive of Weekly Economic Updates

These pages are an archive of  Weekly Economic Update posts from Hansen & Associates Financial Group, Inc. The Weekly Economic Update brings you a thumbnail sketch of the Economy, Stock Markets, Treasuries, and the week’s upcoming Economic Calendar, along with sources and citations that make it easy for you do delve further into the summarized subjects.

Weekly Economic Update: September 12, 2016

[column col="1/4"] Weekly Quote “Forever is composed of nows.” –Emily Dickinson Weekly Tip If you are thinking of adopting a child, you should know that some employers offer adoption assistance programs, through which you can offset some or all of those costs with a...

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Weekly Economic Update: September 6, 2016

Taking a surprisingly steep drop, the Institute for Supply Management’s manufacturing purchasing manager index fell down to 49.4 in August, indicating a slowdown in U.S. factory activity. In July, the PMI had a reading of 52.6.

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Weekly Economic Update: August 29, 2016

Speaking Friday at the Federal Reserve’s annual retreat in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Fed chair Janet Yellen commented that “the case for an increase in the federal funds rate has strengthened in recent months.”

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Weekly Economic Update: August 22, 2016

According to the minutes from the Federal Reserve’s July monetary policy meeting, some Federal Open Market Committee members felt “that economic conditions would soon warrant taking another step in removing policy accommodation.”

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